Discover the Secrets to Make Your Monday More Curious

Matthew Murrie
2 min readSep 9, 2024

Got another case of the “Mondays?”

What if curiosity is the cure!

Enjoy this set of What? to Wow! questions designed to inspire and provoke curiosity in and on everyone’s favorite day… Monday, yay!

Monday What? to Wow!

What: What if Monday had a motto, what would it be to inspire everyone for the week ahead?

Who: What if Monday was a mentor; what unique advice would it give to start your week off right?

When: What if you could start any Monday over again, which one would it be, and what would you do differently?

Where: What if Monday had its own theme park, what would be the main attractions, and where would it be located?

How: How could you transform your Monday routine to make it as exciting as Friday?

Why: Why do you think Monday has the reputation it does, and how can we change the narrative around it?

Huh?: What if every Monday gave you the ability to speak to animals for a day; which animal would you talk to first, and what would you ask?

Wow!: Imagine if every Monday allowed you to meet any historical figure for coffee; who would you meet, and what would you discuss?

Follow along for more Curiosity-Based Thinking to help your today be a little better than it ought to be.

Stay curious!




Matthew Murrie
Matthew Murrie

Written by Matthew Murrie

Author of The Book of What If…?, Founder of What If Curiosity, and Creator of Curiosity-Based Thinking and Curiosity-Based Learning, turning ideas into actions.

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