What Do You Do When You Are Done?

What if society starts where you stop?

Matthew Murrie


We all have something to say about society and the state it’s in — and we can generally disagree on whatever that is. But most do have a shared desire to live in a better society; yet outside of golden rules, there is precious little we can actually do to improve society from individual actions.

Or is there?

What if you want to change the world, you have to start changing your world?

What if there are actions you take all the time that define and create the society in which you live?

How do you leave something once your use of it is over? How do you leave things for other people?

Do you return the shopping cart to the cart corral when you’re done with it? Or do you leave it stranded in the parking lot?

Do you flip the top of the ketchup down when you’re done? Or do you let it crust over for someone else to clean up?

Do you hold the door open for the person or people behind you when you walk through it? Or do you let it shut in their face — do you even know if there is someone behind you?

Do you leave trash piled on top of a full trash bin? Or do find a better place to dispose of it?



Matthew Murrie

Author of The Book of What If…?, Founder of What If Curiosity, and Creator of Curiosity-Based Thinking and Curiosity-Based Learning, turning ideas into actions.